Isn’t it so true that one needs time to reflect, collaborate and even “play” with an idea? And after that doesn’t one have to recast and edit it? ...
This manipulation of an idea takes time and is always done in a very personal way. In this last week I guess we really did this personal development into the wiki-sphere. Thanks to the very useful suggestions that Daniel Schneider - the wiki administrator of Edutech - gave to us, we have understood how to respect, how to well collaborate and the sense and the importance of our contributions on Edutech connected to the world outside our Blogging English 1 course.
Following Schneider's advices if one wants to make effective wiki contributions he or she has always to keep in mind a couple of simple rules:
- quote the sources and cite them properly;
- match personal experiences and knowledge with researches on the matter;
- be clear and straightforward;
- make internal links to other pages in the wiki;
- use paragraph, divisions and bold to make readings desirable;
- create an exhaustive bibliography.
Learning is interactive and that is what makes learning a personal experience. We must interact with information, manipulate it, play with it, mold it for us and for the others who may be interested in our same subjects.
Photo taken from: GoVisitCostaRica
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